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Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)

The Snoqualmie Valley School District is committed to a safe and civil environment free from harassment, intimidation, and bullying for all students, employees, parents/guardians, volunteers, and patrons. SVSD Policy 3207 prohibits such behavior by students, employees, or third parties involved in school activities. The grievance process is detailed in Board Procedure 3207P.

Bullying or harassment involve intimidating or offending someone, typically through repeated, unfair behavior where one person uses their power over another. Unlike "mean behavior," these actions create a hostile environment for the victim and can include harassment, intimidation, discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, or sexual assault.

Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Incident Reporting Form


Your Name required
First Name
Last Name
Identify Compliant Type (select one):required
Name of person(s) who were targeted:required
First Name
Last Name
Name of alleged aggressor(s):required
First Name
Last Name
Where did the incident occur (check all that apply)?requiredPlease select up to 15 choices
Please select up to 15 choices
What happened during the Incident (check all that apply)?requiredPlease select up to 15 choices
Please select up to 15 choices
Was anyone physically hurt?
Did the student miss school because of the incident?
I affirm that the information and documentation I have provided with regards to this complaint is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that knowingly providing false information or information that I do not believe to be true in this complaint form or during the investigation may subject me to disciplinary action.

More Information

What is harassment, intimidation, and bullying? 

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying as any intentionally written message or image, including those electronically transmitted, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics (RCW 28A.600.477), when an act:

  • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.

  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.

  • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.

  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school 

Who can file a complaint? 

Anyone can file a complaint with the School District.

How do I file a complaint about harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying?

If you believe you or a student has experienced harassment, intimidation, or bullying at school, you can file a formal complaint. The complaint must (a) be in writing and (b) detail the specific acts or circumstances involved. Before filing, consider discussing your concerns with your child’s principal or the SVSD HIB Compliance Coordinator.

Where do I file complaints? 

For students, parents/guardians, and the public, questions or complaints about harassment, intimidation, or bullying should be directed to the SVSD HIB Compliance Coordinator,  P.O. Box 400, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, or call (425) 831-0985. The district must promptly investigate and take effective steps to end harassment, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent recurrence, and remedy its effects.

Will my complaint be kept confidential? 

Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. To investigate complaints, we may need to disclose the complainant’s or student’s identity. We will strive to maintain confidentiality by sharing information only with those essential to the investigation. However, due process for the accused may require disclosing details of the complaint. Requests to keep the accused uninformed or to remain anonymous may limit our ability to investigate and resolve the complaint. Anonymous complaints will be treated as informal under the District’s discrimination complaint procedure.

Is retaliation prohibited? 

Yes; retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in an investigation is against District policy. The District enforces anti-retaliation protections for complainants and witnesses. If you or any witness experience retaliation, contact the School Principal or HIB Compliance Coordinator. The HIB Compliance Coordinator or an appointed investigator will investigate your complaint, interview you and the individuals involved, and may contact others to resolve the issue.