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Student Representatives

The Snoqualmie Valley School District believes students possess valuable insight and should have a paramount voice in the education received from the district and in the decisions made by the board.  

The School Board Student Member positions were created to allow student advocacy and increase student voices within our district. They allow student's voice and provide a framework and understanding of the educational system to allow student perspectives with district leadership. 

School Board Student Members will hold non-voting advisory positions. Still, they will contribute to the discussion by providing student insight and perspective, advocating their positions on district issues or needs, and serving as liaisons between the board and students.

School Board student members will have the opportunity to participate in district policy development processes and counsel board directors on the impacts of potential district actions on students. They are also charged with engaging students and student groups for feedback.

Each year, the Board has two student representatives, one senior and one junior.  Students apply and are selected at the end of their sophomore year to serve on a two-year team.  


Christi Wright
Executive Assistant


Board Members

Hailey Weider
Class of 2024 Representative

Application and Process

We are now accepting applications for the Student Representative position 2024-25 academic year. We are excited to offer this opportunity to students who are currently sophomores and will be juniors in the upcoming school year. Please read the details below carefully to ensure your application is complete and submitted on time.