Approved District Budget
Each year, the district's Business Services department develops a budget for the upcoming school year. This extensive process typically begins in December, concurrent with the launch of each legislative session, and culminates with a board adoption in July-August.
For the 2024-25 school year, a few adjustments were necessary in order to balance the budget. The biggest change will be a return to class sizes that are similar to how the district staffed building pre-Covid. Since the initiation of Covid, district enrollment has been lower, but staffing has not adjusted, and in some cases has increased. Much of that staffing has been funded with one-time federal funding provided to schools to help offset costs related to the impact of Covid.
Federal funding for Covid-related impacts has most recently been used to increase staffing related to social and emotional learning for students. We have increased staffing in the areas of social work, behavior therapy, language acquisition for students who do not speak English as their first language, and related areas of need, including supporting lower-class sizes.
For 2024-25, other cost reductions have also been made at the district level (operations, teaching and learning and student services) in order to achieve a balanced budget.
In addition to the General Fund, the Board also adopted budgets for the Capital Projects Fund, the Associated Student Body Fund, the Debt Service Fund and the Transportation Vehicle Fund. The Capital Projects Fund authorizes expenditures for capital facilities needs in the district. The local technology levy funds equipment purchases through the Capital Projects Fund, and the 2015 Bond Proposition that was passed by voters provided funding for the construction of Timber Ridge Elementary, Mount Si High School, and building improvements and repairs across the district. One of the projects from that campaign was to add a preschool facility (the program is currently housed at Snoqualmie Elementary School. The district is required to provide preschool services for students who qualify. In 2024-25 the district anticipates converting the old Two Rivers School into a preschool facility in North Bend. The converted space will expand the number of classrooms available for the program and will allow for a better coordination with the district daycare that is currently housed at that facility.
If you have additional questions concerning the district's budget or budget development process, please contact Ryan Stokes, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, at or 425-831-8012
A summary of each budget, adopted on August 22, 2024 and the presentation are available: