Associated Student Body
Boosters VS ASB
1. What turns a bonafide parent group fundraiser into an ASB activity?
- The cash receipts are given to the school ASB secretary and/or stored in the school safe.
- The students handle the cash receipting reconciliation process.
- The inventory is purchased by the ASB... Student officer signs a purchase order.
- The school district holds and inventories the goods for resale.
- A majority of the work is performed by the students.
- The parent group uses the school name (without at least adding "boosters").
- The use of district facilities is not followed per district policy.
- School district personnel are involved during staff time.
2. Parent Groups - Booster Club and Parent Teacher Association - Private Money
- The school board should have policies to address the approval of activities of private groups.
- Selling any item at school that is for a private business would be regulated by the school
- district policies.
- Activities/events must be planned, managed and operated solely under the direction of the
- parent group.
- When using district facilities, the group must follow district policies.
- Funds cannot be commingled with ASB money.
- Keep the activity an “arms length” transaction.
3. Student Involvement
Children have a private life and can always work for an outside entity, but not during school time. If the student is selling an item at school or representing the school- the money is generally considered ASB. Students are able to raise money for an outside entity during school time with prior school district approval. The key is how a prudent person would view the sale- if it looks like a school sale, the money must go to ASB.
If issues are noted during an audit, it will be decided if the funds in question belong to the district. The answers to the following questions will help determine if the funds are district funds or parent/booster funds.
How was the information presented to those that participated-both sellers and buyers? For example, was the information presented as, “Sample School District Girls Soccer” or “Sample School Girls Soccer PTA”? If you found a “name” on the fundraiser/event promotional information you can perform a search at to determine if they have registered with the Washington State Secretary of State. Ask yourself, “Would a reasonable person in the community think that this was a Booster Club or School activity?”
4. Prizes
State audit staff has determined that any prize or other incentive must be within the de minimis range as defined by school board policy. That prize may be donated by an outside organization, but it cannot be the vendor providing the product or service.
ASB Fund Dos & Don'ts
- Double check the rules about raffles.
- Use the budget process to teach good accounting principles.
- Carry an inventory of Student Body supplies and equipment including athletic supplies.
- Remember that ownership of all ASB purchases technically belongs to the district.
- Get student approval for all Student Body purchases.
- Know that trophies and other awards can be purchased with Student Body funds.
- Remember that funds received as an honorarium for a school group (choir, band, debate) must be deposited as ASB funds.
- Check your district policy regarding formal purchase orders requirements for Student Body funds expenditures.
- Know that School District funds and ASB monies can share the expenses for student projects or activities.
- Keep accurate records, ask questions frequently.
- Attend an ASB Law, Rules, Regulations, & Procedures workshop.
- Issue complimentary tickets for athletic events or other Student Body activities.
- Deposit money in separate savings or checking accounts at a local bank.
- Use ASB monies to send flowers to a person in the hospital.
- Assume that sending student delegates to state or national conventions or other trips cannot be paid in part by Student Body funds.
- Make major purchases without referring to the state bid law.
- Accept citizen or group donations to the Student Body for scholarships without School Board approval.
- Use Student Body funds to pay for students to attend summer athletic camps without checking WIAA rules.
- Forget that a Principal/Advisor can overrule a student authorized purchase.
- Hold a fund raiser for a scholarship fund without double checking with your business office.
- Pay for services with cash.
- School district policies in place for ASB funds. Students and staff involved in preparing ASB budget.
- ASB budget submitted and approved by school district directors.
- ASB fund raising activities (types) are submitted and approved by the School Board.
- Procedures are established to have all collected funds be deposited intact.
- That all disbursements have student approval.
- That ASB records are maintained for at least six years.
- Separate records are maintained for each school in a multischool district.
- The State bid law is observed.
Manuals & Guidelines
HB 1660
Do you need financial assistance? Washington State legislature passed House Bill 1660 with the goal to eliminate costs and barriers to student participation in extracurricular activities. Your student may qualify for assistance if they meet the following identifiers;
- College Bound Scholarship Program
- Eligible for free or reduced‐price meals through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program (qualify via Direct Certification or Application for Free and Reduced‐Price Meals).
- Family income survey
If you meet any of these requirements, please complete the attached Parental Release Form and turn into your students’ school financial office.
Qualifying applicants must complete the release form to give parent consent prior to receiving assistance. Families will begin receiving assistance for approved student fees at time of submission. We are unable to provide refunds for purchases prior to parent consent.
What student fees will be waived?
- ASB card
- Sports/Athletic Fees
- Dances
- Competitions, clinics and conferences
- Plays
- Home games
- Uniforms, if applicable
- ASB field trips
- Club Fees/Dues