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Flyer Approval with PeachJar

Our district wants families to know about district-approved community programs and resources offered by organizations like yours! Peachjar charges a fee for this service, which is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers. There are many additional benefits to using Peachjar—clickable buttons that take parents directly to your website, flyer performance reports, and not to mention the time saved driving school to school!

To submit your flyer for district approval, review our Flyer Approval Guidelines and follow the steps below. Paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.

  1. Register your account as a Community Organization on

  2. Review Peachjar’s Guide for Community Organizations for information about discount pricing, flyer creation tips, and more

  3. Go to ‘Post & Notify’ in your account to submit a flyer

After you hit submit, your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district for approval. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyer board for your selected duration of time. For more information on the process or pricing, please email or call 858-997-2117.

The deadline to submit flyers for district approval is MONDAY. Once approved, the flyer will be sent to families at selected schools via a weekly batched email, and will remain posted on the school’s website (through their E-Flyer link) for up to 30 days, or until an event date. New flyers are sent to families every Tuesday at roughly 3 p.m. To ensure that flyers are distributed on a Tuesday, groups must enter 1 for the distribution. However, groups may upload their flyer more times if they choose. 

Peachjar will automatically add this disclaimer at the base of all approved community E-Flyers:

The Snoqualmie Valley School District does not sponsor this event and the District assumes no responsibility for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, the Snoqualmie Valley School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, judgments or awards.

If you need any assistance email Christi Wright or call 425-831-8007.

Flyer Approval Guidelines 

Community flyers must be from organizations having social, recreational or educational value to students. The dissemination of such materials is a service to provide families with information about activities outside the school district that may be of interest to their students. It does not reflect the District’s endorsement or sponsorship of the activity.

Any material intended for district distribution must be approved by the Superintendent’s Office. The district or schools shall not distribute materials that: 

  1. Contain words, images or symbols that are obscene, lewd, vulgar or sexual in nature;

  2. Are libelous;

  3. Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing or threatening on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or veteran status, including, but not limited to, racial, sexual or ethnic slurs;

  4. Advocate for a specific political issue, viewpoint, candidate or ballot proposition;

  5. Promote commercial enterprises -- unless providing a social, recreational, or educational value;

  6. Promote the violation of existing laws, regulation or ordinances, or official school policy, rules or regulations;

  7. Proselytize or disparage religious beliefs;

  8. Disrupt or interfere with the educational process, or undermine SVSD curriculum;

  9. Promote the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco or firearms;

  10. Promote hostility, disorder or violence;

  11. Out of state or generic mass mailers from national organizations do not meet our definition of community organizations and thus will not be approved for distribution.

How Does Peachjar Work?

To learn more about the benefits of Peachjar service, watch the video below.

Community partners with E-Flyers to share should click here for step-by-step instructions on how to upload a flyer into Peachjar.

Printed Copies of Approved Flyers

The district and all schools no longer distribute paper copies of flyers to students and families – which has resulted in significant savings for schools in terms of time and paper costs. Some schools may still accept a few paper copies of approved flyers to display at the school itself, usually in or near the school office. Community groups need to submit a flyer through Peachjar before inquiring as to whether or not the schools will post the flyer. 

  • Posters: Approvals of poster requests are handled by the building administrator for each school. Posters must meet the same criteria as flyers to be eligible for school/community bulletin boards.

  • Materials for staff: SVSD does not approve promotional materials targeted at teachers or other staff members. Decisions about what can be distributed or placed in school staff lounges is determined by the building administrator at each location. Teachers and staff members may not distribute promotional materials directly to students.