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Environmental Leadership Summit

MSHS Representatives
7 Students at Environmental Leaders Summit

Seven Mount Si High School students attended the Environmental Leaders Summit at Seattle University on Dec. 13, 2024.  Enthusiasm was contagious among the 200 high school students and 30+ professionals in attendance from around the Puget Sound, who shared a passion for the environment and related topics.

Hosted by the YMCA’s Youth Service Corp, students learned about 25 topics facilitated by environmental professionals, during four break-out sessions. Topics included: public transit, sustainability in schools, microplastics, climate action planning, climate justice, salmon survival, sustainability in athletics, and more. Student-centered discussions explored the complexities, challenges and solutions related to these issues.

Driving questions for the discussions included:  

  • What is their topic about?
  • How is this impacting the Puget Sound Region? Neighborhoods? Schools?
  • How do environmental justice and climate change connect to this topic?
  • Why do you care?
  • What are you, or could you, be doing about it?
  • How can we get more young people involved?

During a Town Hall opportunity, students had the chance to “speak their truth” to the entire group. They shared what they learned at the Summit and how they will take action to address the issue they explored. Through the Town Hall format attendees learned from one another, as they listened to ideas that the students found to be inspiring, motivating, or surprising at times.  

The Summit also offered an Opportunity Fair for the students. In the College Corner, representatives from colleges and universities described their environmental programs and answered questions about admissions. While other tables encouraged young people to get involved with volunteer opportunities, internships, jobs, and outdoor educational programs.


Learning about Habitat Restoration
Three MSHS students at Summit