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Emergency Communication

Emergencies such as snow, ice, power outages, wind damage, and floods can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation for students. Please refer to this information if you are in doubt about conditions impacting the status of school. 

If there are no messages sent by our District, schools are open on a normal schedule.
  • Direct Communication  - All staff and families will receive a text and email about school delays and closures via ParentSquare. 
  • Website - On-screen alert will appear on all pages.
  • Emergency Hotline (425) 831-8494 - Audio recording.
  • Social Media - District Facebook and Twitter.
  • News Outlets and Other Media - Information sent via Flash Alert

Potential announcements may say:

  • “Schools Closed” - All campus activities are canceled for that day. No transportation. (A make-up day will be needed later.)
  • “Two-hour Late Start"  - Schools will begin two hours late. No AM Preschool. No out-of-district transportation. Buses will run two hours later than their regular schedule in the morning, then schools will dismiss at the usual time in the afternoon. 
    • Important Update:  If there is a Two-Hour Late Start on a Friday, schools will be dismissed at regular release times, similar to Mondays thru Thursdays - (instead of the Friday early-release schedule). 
  • “Schools Open with Limited Transportation” - Bus service on shortened routes due to challenging road conditions for Areas A, B and/or C.  Limited Transportation (also referred to as "Snow Routes") will apply all day. Students will be delivered after school to the same place as their morning pick-up location.

SNOW ROUTES: Since our school district spans over 400 square miles and 1,000+ feet of elevation, adverse weather conditions may affect neighborhoods differently. Therefore, the District is divided into three geographic areas for limited transportation services: Areas A, B, and C. Occasionally, when only high elevation locations are affected (by snow) or only lower elevations are impacted (by flooding), bus route adjustments may be identified by these areas. For example, you may see “Limited Transportation in Area A: River Bend, Wilderness Rim, the Uplands only” included in the district's weather notification. 

View Snow Routes

NOTE: Not every emergency situation can be anticipated. Occasionally, after a decision about the status of school is made early in the morning, weather conditions that impact the safe transportation of students may quickly change and merit an adjustment. Families are encouraged to double-check the communication resources above just before leaving home for school, in case conditions have worsened. Parents/guardians should also develop an emergency plan with their children, in the event of an early closure, and make sure their school has their accurate contact information.