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Public Records Request

The Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) provides for the release of public records maintained by a public agency, such as a school district, with some exceptions. School district records relating to the conduct of operations and functions of the district that have been prepared, owned, used or retained by the District in any format are public records to which members of the public may request access.

When processing such requests, the district will provide full assistance and a response to the requestor within five workdays of the date submitted, to include the district’s time estimate for completing the request. For more information, please refer to Snoqualmie Valley School District’s Public Access to District Records Policy 4040 and Procedure 4040P.

IMPORTANT: Not all records maintained by the district are considered public. If the following pertains to your request, please follow these steps:

  • Requests for students records by a current or former student, or by the student’s parent or guardian, should be directed to the building administrator or front office staff at the student’s school.
  • Requests for employment records by current employees or their union representatives should be made to Human Resources.


To submit a Public Records Record request, please complete and submit the online form below. If you prefer to print the form, please refer to the shaded box below.  


Carolyn Malcolm
Community Relations Manager

Additional Information

Board Policy
Policy 4040
Procedure 4040P

Make A Public Records Request


First Name
Last Name
Attach up to 5 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Preferred method of receiving the requested documents:requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice

Terms of Conditions

  • Fees may be applied to certain requests under Snoqualmie Valley School Board Policy #4040 and Procedure #4040P. 

  • I understand that my request is subject to disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW).

  • I declare that if lists of individuals are provided to me to fulfill my request, that such lists will neither be used for commercial purposes nor provided to others for commercial purposes. 

Terms of Conditions Agreementrequired

Alternative Public Record Request Submission

You can also print the public records request form and submit it by email, mail, or in person during office hours.

  • Email:
  • Mail:  Snoqualmie Valley School District, ATTN: Public Records Officer, PO Box 400, Snoqualmie, WA  98065
  • In-person:  Snoqualmie Valley District Administration Bldg., 8001 Silva Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie, WA  98065 (Paper forms are also available at the front desk.)