Certificated Staff
The Snoqualmie Valley School District focuses heavy support on developing and sustaining committed, skilled, and enthusiastic certificated employees. While the largest volume of certificated staff hiring occurs between February and June for the following school year, positions do become available during the year on an as-needed basis. Certificated positions within the District include:
- Educators
- School Psychologists
- Occupational / Physical Therapists
- Speech Language Pathologists
- Instructional Coaches
- Counselors
How to Apply
If you are interested in becoming a certificated employee in the District, please visit our Job Opportunities portal to view available vacancies and requirements.
Job Opportunities
For information on how to get or renew a certificate, please reference the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) website.
Professional Development
Each year, Snoqualmie Valley School District staff earn thousands of clock hours through the free Professional Development opportunities offered by the District. The purpose of Professional Development is to strengthen instructional skills and relationships with students, and build expertise in the application of technology in the classroom. Professional Development courses are designed to improve the learning outcomes for all students in the Snoqualmie Valley School District.