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HR Forms

Please contact if you have any questions about the following forms. 


Extended Days Verification - Documentation for particular positions that are eligible for extended days.
Separation of Employment - Complete this form only if you are severing all employment with the District.                                                      Change of Status - Complete this form if you want to remain an employee of the District, but change your employment status, such as moving from a regular assignment to substitute, or resigning some of your assignment(s) while keeping others.                                        


PSE Evaluation - Evaluation form for PSE employees
SVAPA Evaluation - Evaluation form for SVAPA employees

Non-Rep EvaluationEvaluation form for Non-Rep employees
Certificated Support Personnel EvaluationEvaluation form for SVEA Certificated Support Personnel

Health & Safety

Staff Immunization History - Proof of immunization history.

Leave Request

Leave of Absence Request - To be completed by employee to request a leave of absence. 

Daily Leave Slip - Certificated 
Daily Leave Slip - Classified 

Complete the above forms to request daily leave for:

  • Anything requiring Superintendent/designee approval
  • Unpaid leave
  • Beginning of school year when leave has not been loaded yet
  • Classified half day absences
  • Any date not on base calendar

New Hires

Verification of Certificated Employment Service/Sick Leave - Confirmation of service and/or sick leave outside SVSD.
Verification of Classified Employment - Confirmation of classified service outside SVSD.  
Verification of Coaching/Activities Service - Confirmation of coaching service outside SVSD. 
Verification of ESA Non-School Service - Confirmation of service for ESA non-school service outside SVSD.
Verification of Certificated Substitute - Confirmation of certificated substitute service outside of SVSD. 
DOH Licensure Hour Verification - Submitted with WA Department of Health license hours as CEU clock hours.
Request for Transfer of Official Documentation - Sent to prior school district to transfer documents to SVSD.

Administrative Internship

SVSD Admin Internship Application


SVEA Tuition Reimbursement Program - Information & form for tuition reimbursement.
SVEA Professional Responsibilities Form - Annual form to verify completion of professional responsibilities.                                                 SVEA PD Allocation Form


Request for Reimbursement 


Bus Driver Route Change Form - To be completed by the Transportation department.
PSE Professional Growth Opportunities Form - Used to request reimbursement for professional trainings.

Overload Forms

Count days are the 15th day of each quarter. 
2024-25 Count days:  9/17/2024, 11/25/2024, 2/24/2025, 5/2/2025
Elementary School 
Middle School
High School
Special Education