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SVEA Staff Release Calendar

In order to minimize the impact on classrooms and to best ensure appropriate substitute coverage, the District continues to maintain a Release Calendar for SVEA where we limit the number of employees on release each day to 6 certificated staff members. If you are interested in taking a release day for a special conference, release time granted via the SVEA Collective Bargaining Agreement, or other related activity, the process is outlined below. 

In the spring of the school year, Human Resources will ask each building to submit initial release calendar requests for the following year. Those requests will be approved, modified or denied prior to the end of the school year.

Once the initial requests have been reviewed and employees are notified of the decision, future requests may be made by your Office Manager emailing with the employee name/s, reason and number of spots needed. Requests will be put on the release day spreadsheet as pending and will be reviewed at the first of each month for all requests received in the previous month. If a request is received for a date that is prior to the next review, the request will be reviewed as soon as possible. Office Managers have an up-to-date spreadsheet to check availability of certain dates.

If a release day is approved, it is the employee’s responsibility to enter the absence in Skyward and Absence Management, including providing the appropriate account code to cover the substitute. Account codes should be provided by the person paying for the release time/substitute.

If you no longer need the release day, be sure to notify your Office Manager so your spot can be used for another staff member. The Office Manager will notify HR. If you have already entered the absence in Skyward and Absence Management, be sure to go in and cancel the absence.