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Schoology Information

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The Snoqualmie Valley School District uses Schoology as its online learning management system. Schoology provides teachers with course management, calendar tools, and mobile learning. Schoology also makes it easier for parents to stay involved with their students’ education.

Teachers will notify their classes – students and parents – when they plan to begin using Schoology. Teachers will provide families with the access code for their student’s unique account, as well as login instructions for using Schoology.


Contact your child's school.

Parent Guide

Schoology Access

Parents/Guardians:  To get started, you will need your student's unique code. This can be obtained by your student’s teacher who can share it with you. For middle or high school students, the code is the same for all courses.  Once you receive the access code, parents can register their account (you will need the access code). Refer to this Schoology Parent Guide for instructions on how to get started and how to use Schoology. 

After registering and linking your account to your student, you can use the normal Schoology Login. 

Schoology RegisTration    Schoology Login

Students: You will log on through Classlink. Just look for the Schoology logo. 


All final grades and report cards will be available in Skyward Family Access, our Student Information System. 

What's Schoology used for? 

  • Classroom Management: Teachers can organize and manage their courses, assignments, and materials all in one place.

  • Assignment Distribution and Submission: Teachers upload assignments, and students submit their work digitally, streamlining the process for both parties.

  • Assessments and Grading: Teachers create and administer quizzes, tests, and assessments directly within the platform, and grades are automatically calculated and recorded.

  • Content Delivery: Teachers can share learning materials such as videos, presentations, links, and documents with students, allowing for easy access to resources.

  • Student Collaboration: The platform supports group discussions, peer reviews, and collaborative projects, encouraging students to work together online.

  • Progress Monitoring: Teachers and students can track grades, upcoming assignments, and course progress, giving a clear picture of academic performance.

  • Parental Access: Parents can view their child's assignments, grades, and teacher feedback, helping them stay informed and involved in their child’s education.

  • Resource Sharing: Teachers can share resources with colleagues, making it easier to collaborate on lessons and best practices within the district.

  • Integration with External Tools: The platform integrates with other educational tools and systems like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and third-party apps, enriching the learning experience.