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Choice Transfers (District to District)

Public school students in Washington State may request a transfer from their “home” district, where they reside, to attend school in another public school district, where they do not reside. That is known as a Choice Transfer or out-of-district transfer.

Students from other school districts can apply for a Choice Transfer if they want to attend a school in Snoqualmie Valley School District. These transfers may be approved on a space-available basis, after transfers within the district have been accommodated. Requests for transfers to schools with space available will be considered for approval in late June.

Application Information

How to Apply or Renew:

  • Submit your transfer request through the OSPI Choice Transfer Request Portal.
  • Once submitted, parents and the requested school district will receive an automatically generated email saying a Choice Transfer has been requested.
  • The Choice Transfer Coordinator for the requested district will respond electronically as to whether the request has been accepted or denied.
  • Parents, and both districts, will receive an automatically generated email with the results of the request.
  • Parents are required to provide transportation for their student(s) who attend a school through a Choice Transfer.
  • Student(s) must continue to meet his/her school's attendance expectations.  For this information, please refer to your school's Student Handbook.
  • By state law, transfers can only be granted for one school year at a time and must be renewed annually.

When to apply:

  • Any time after February 1st for the next school year.

Transferring Out Of SVSD

To attend school in another public school district, you must apply for a Choice Transfer. Requests must be submitted through the OSPI Choice Transfer Request Portal

  • Once submitted, parents and the requested school district will receive an automatically generated e-mail saying a Choice Transfer has been requested.
  • The Choice Transfer Coordinator for the requested district will respond electronically as to whether the request has been accepted or denied.
  • Parents, and both districts, will receive an automatically generated email with the results of the request.
  • By state law, transfers can only be granted for one school year at a time and must be renewed annually.

Please contact if you have any questions.