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Home School Enrollment

Home-Based Instruction

Home-Based Instruction, often referred to as Home Schooling, requires a completed online Declaration of Intent form for a child or children to receive home-based instruction in lieu of attendance or enrollment in a public school. This statement must be filed annually by September 15 or within two weeks of the beginning a trimester or semester in Snoqualmie Valley School District. 

For more information regarding Home-Based instruction please refer to Washington State's Law Regulating Home-Based Instruction. For questions regarding this process, please contact Christi Wright. 

Declaration of Intent (Home-Based or Private School)

Running Start (Home-Based or Running Start)

If your home-based student is interested in participating in Running Start, you must file a Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction. The form must be completed for each school year that your student is in the program.

Running Start Agreement Form

Important Consideration for High School Aged Students 

Home-based coursework will not qualify for Snoqualmie Valley School District Credit and will not be counted on a high school transcript toward a diploma, as it is not being completed at an approved public or private school. A diploma, however, may be earned through parent(s) or other outside agencies. *Policy #2410.